Friday, August 12, 2011

An "AHA!" Moment- Foam Magnet's

Today, while helping my friend Sharon try to get her classroom reorganized (she heard the dreaded words, "Your getting new carpet this summer") she discovered some neat little things she had bought and came up with an "Aha!" moment (you know the moments when you think of an eaiser or cheaper way to do something you've been doing a harder or more expensive way.) Sharon and I are shopping and planning buddies often, and we have these moments on a regular basis. Here was her "aha" moment for today.

She started with these foam circle she found in the dollar section at Target (a teacher favorite). She had used them in the pass for sorting or counters (they are small). Next, she had some sticker magnets. You could use hot glue ones, but she had these, so she used them.

These are just the magnets in case your wondering what they looked like ;)

Here is the finished product:

Now, what are some uses for these you might ask? Well, you can still sort or count with them like Sharon originally did. Or, you could go to an awesome site like and loook up her magnet sheets- she has them for all kinds of themes, and letters. These are great sheets for one to one correspondence, because you have to put one magnet in each circle. I am sure there are other great ideas for them (and if you get some, please feel free to post it in the comments below so we can all try it!) I will post pictures of them in use once the school year starts.

:) Miss Amanda

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